History of Eyewear: Playboy

In light of our recent post on Vintage Playboy Eyewear, I thought it was necessary to provide a brief history on the iconic eyewear. First of all, yes, it’s true, Playboy made eyewear! This line of eyewear was not your basic, run of the mill, mass produced sunglass collection. It is so much more than that. The line was produced by Optyl in the 70’s – once their own namesake (before Safilo – sad face). Optyl is a super cool material invented by Wilhelm Anger in Austria. It is a resin based plastic with memory capacity, and you will find many Optyl frames from the 70’s and 80’s will bear the made in Austria trademark. Optyl also made frames for Dior, Dunhill, and P. Picasso in the same era.

With the use of the miracle material Optyl combined with a 70’s fashion style, the Playboy Eyewear collection is so retro chic, I cannot even handle it. Depicted in this awesome ad below is model 4675 on a Bruce Jenner look alike. A frame style that is now considerably popular – the plastic aviator. And the ad below that is a Playboy Eyewear ad with an aviator, fitting.


I myself have been wearing an Optyl frame for the past two years, and it is my most prized possession. Seriously.

– Blaire.

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